New Zealand Immigration
Applying for a skilled migrant visa for New Zealand is a cumbersome process. A range of steps is involved during the whole process.The New Zealand Skilled Migrant points system is designed to allow Expressions of Interest to be ranked in order so that the New Zealand Immigration authorities can make invitations to apply for residence to those migrants who can offer the most to New Zealand.
New Zealand is one of the most naturally beautiful and scenic countries in the world. It is also one of the safest and peaceful countries in the world to live in. New Zealand shares a special bond and friendly relationship with Indians. Indians are respected in NZ for their hard work, talent and rich cultural heritage.
New Zealand immigration system like a few other countries work on points based system in which factors such as your age, education, work experience, occupation, language skills, job offer etc is given a consideration.
In the points based system currently into effect, If you score 160 points and above, you will able to migrate. Your chances of migration will increase If you have either A) an employment job offer for a
We have also successfully dealt with rejected cases. Contact us today to get a free assessment.
Points are awarded for age, having family members in New Zealand, your employment, previous work experience, and qualifications. You will need to meet the minimum threshold of 100 points to be able to lodge an Expression of Interest.
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